
Thursday, June 29, 2017

Pel Setup

Welcome » NERWous C » Pel
  1. Pel Attributes
  2. Import Attributes
  3. Timeout Attribute
  4. At Attribute
  5. Mode Attribute
  6. Name Attribute
  7. Priority Attribute
  8. Pel Variable

Pel Attributes

As introduced in the Pel Basic chapter, a pel creation statement accepts attributes:
<!>code at
Request that code runs on the specific cel
Transfer the values of specific global variables to the created task
Transfer the values of specific global variables in the listed files to the created task
Request that the task be created with this mode: suspend (create then suspend execution), quickstart (create faster than normal), maintenance (create in maintenance mode for diagnostic messages), running (create and wait for the task to run)
Assign a unique user-specified name so the task can be referred to without knowing the system-generated task ID.
Request that code runs at the n-th priority level
(Synchronous mode only) Request that the task be created within t msec.
<start>p Start a suspended task.
<suspend>p Suspend a running task.
<update>p name=usn Update the local properties of task p. If the name attribute is specified, update p from the task named with the specified user-specified name.
<terminate>p Request that the task p be terminated.
<kill>p Force the task p to end immediately.

Import Attributes

The import and import-file attributes are discussed in earlier chapter and chapter.

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