» NERWous C
» Pel
Local Variables
In the previous chapter, we say that in order to run something in parallel, we just pel it with the <!> construct. Actually, things are not that simple. For example, can we use local variables from the parent task? Let's take a look at this serial program:
Let's change the Producer and Consumer codes to run in parallel, and see how the local variable
The item of interest here is the local variable
During compile time, the NERW translator will analyze any block of code that is under the pel
Let's look at another version:
To support local variables, the compile-time NERWous C translator needs to be able to:
Let's rewrite the above example, replacing code blocks by functions:
Global Variables
In the previous examples, we look at local variables. In the following examples, let's consider global variables with pel statements. We start with a serial C program that contains three global variables:
Now let's rewrite the Producer and Consumer code blocks to run in parallel:
In NERWous C, a global variable is different from a memory element (mel) variable. A global variable is globally accessible in the compile-time scope, while a mel variable is globally accessible in the run-time scope. A compile-time scope means that a global variable can be accessed anywhere in the program: it is declared once and any block of code or function can refer to it with the help of the language compiler. A run-time scope means that a mel variable can be shared by different tasks that are forked (or in NERWous C parlance, pelled) during the running of the program. The shared access is provided by the CHAOS runtime environment. In the example above, the mel variable
This is how the NERWous C translator handles global variables at compile time:
It can be hard to detect what global variables a pelled task will use, since global variables can appear in functions called deep in the execution thread starting from the first level of the pelled task. This differs from local variables where they only appear in the first level of a pelled code block -- which is easier to detect. Automatically initializing all global variables during run-time for any created pel task even if it never makes use of all of them, will likely impact the performance of a concurrent NERWous C program, especially when the tasks are distributed over a wide area network, and some global variables contain huge data.
The NERWous C translator will automatically create global variables in pelled tasks as they are needed, but initializes them only on demand, via the
The import feature allows the pelling task to send data to the pelled task to initialize global variables. There is no export feature for the pelled task to update back the global variables in the pelling task. For this, the global variables must be declared as mel variables.
Import Attribute
Let's fix the above "buggy" example by making use of the
The global variable
Global variables, like
What happens if the programmer forgets a global variable in the
Import-File Attribute
In this import file,
The same file inclusion works similarly when the pelled tasks are encapsulated as functions:
We can import multiple files with the
We can mix the
Array Variables
The previous examples use simple data types for the global variables. Now let's explore the use of arrays as variables, either local or global. If the whole array is to be imported to the pelled task, then an array variable is behaving no differently than a simple-typed variable. What interesting is the
Let's modify the above example again:
Note the use of the local variable
We "cheat" a little bit in the previous example by making
Mel Variable Properties
The properties of a mel variable are information about that mel variable that are cached locally in the requesting task so that they don't have to be constantly retrieved from the remote mel location. The mel properties of a mel variable have the same compile-time local or global scope as of that mel variable:
Interestingly, both
When the
The reason for mel properties to be treated the same for both local and global scopes with automatic initialization is that the information on how to access the remote mel must be passed to the tasks so that they can do mel operations such as reads and writes. The rest of the properties thus piggy-backs on that. If programmers have to explicitly specify the
How about performance? Unlike regular variables which contain data, mel properties only contain metadata (i.e. the properties). The real data of a mel is stored centrally in the cel that hosts that mel. The local properties cache of each mel variable is quite manageable, and can be transferred to a pelled task without undue impact on performance.
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- Local Variables
- Global Variables
- Import Attribute
- Import-File Attribute
- Array Variables
- Mel Variable Properties
Local Variables
In the previous chapter, we say that in order to run something in parallel, we just pel it with the <!> construct. Actually, things are not that simple. For example, can we use local variables from the parent task? Let's take a look at this serial program:
/* VERSION 1 */
#define MAX 100
main () {
int store[MAX];
int counter;
/* Producer first */
counter = MAX;
while ( --counter )
store[counter] = Produce();
/* Consumer next */
counter = MAX;
while ( --counter )
This contrived example uses a local variable, counter
. It is used first in the Producer code to load the array store
with Produce
d items. It is then used again in the Consumer code to unload the store
array to Consume
Let's change the Producer and Consumer codes to run in parallel, and see how the local variable
/* VERSION 2 */
#define MAX 100
main () {
int counter = MAX;
<mel buffer=counter/10> int store;
<!> { /* Producer task */
while ( --counter )
<?>store = Produce();
<!> { /* Consumer task */
while ( --counter )
First we transform the store
array into a mel variable so that it can be shared between the Producer task and Consumer task. To increase concurrency, we give it a buffer with an arbitrary size of 10% of the number of iterations maintained by counter
. Then we consecutively pel the code blocks for Producer and Consumer. The main
task then ends. The whole program will exit at a later time when the Producer and Consumer tasks have also ended.
The item of interest here is the local variable
. It appears in both pelled tasks.
Unlike the serial VERSION 1 example, the value of counter
when it gets to the Consumer task is still MAX
as originally set by main
. The reduction of counter
in the Producer task (via the statement --counter
) is done separately in that task and does not impact the counter
in the main
task. In fact, there are three distinct local counter
variables in the VERSION 2 example, one for main
, one for Producer, and one for Consumer.
During compile time, the NERW translator will analyze any block of code that is under the pel
construct. Any local variables from the pelling code (which is main
here) that are re-used in the pelled code, will be duplicated in the pelled tasks. The values of the duplicated local variables will be the same as of the ones of the pelling code at the time of the pelling. This is why Consumer has its own counter
variable and it is valued with the MAX
value, same as Producer.
Let's look at another version:
/* VERSION 3 */
#define MAX 100
main () {
int counter = MAX;
int numtasks = 0;
<mel buffer=counter/10> int store;
<!> { /* Producer task */
while ( --counter )
<?>store = Produce();
<!> { /* Consumer task */
printf ("This is task [%]", numtasks);
while ( --counter )
printf ("Waiting for %d pelled tasks to terminate", numtasks);
Like counter
, numtasks
is also a local variable of main
. Unlike counter
though, numtasks
is not used in the Producer pelled code block. Thus, the NERWous C translator during compilation time will not generate behind-the-scene code to duplicate this variable for the Producer task. On the other hand, the Consumer pelled code block does use numtask
. The NERWous C translator can detect this use during compilation, and will generate code to create a separate numtask
local variable for the Consumer task. It also initializes this local variable with the value of numtask
from the main
task at the time of the pelling (which is 1
in the example above).
To support local variables, the compile-time NERWous C translator needs to be able to:
- re-create any local variables from the pelling task to the pelled task if they also appear in the pelled code as right-hand-side values,
- initialize these created local variables with the values of the eponymous local variables from the pelling task at the time of pelling.
Let's rewrite the above example, replacing code blocks by functions:
/* VERSION 4 */
#define MAX 100
main () {
int counter = MAX;
int numtasks = 0;
<mel buffer=counter/10> int store;
/* Producer task */
<!>Producer (store, counter);
/* Consumer task */
<!>Consumer (store, counter, numtasks);
printf ("Waiting for %d pelled tasks to terminate", numtasks);
void Producer (mel int store, int counter) {
while ( --counter )
<?>store = Produce();
void Consumer (mel int store, int counter, numtasks) {
printf ("This is task [%]", numtasks);
while ( --counter )
With the Producer and Consumer tasks encapsulated in functions, whatever local variables from the main
task are needed, have to be explicitly passed as functional arguments. Again, the values of the arguments are the values of the local variables of the pelling task at the time of pelling. In the example above, counter
has the value of MAX
for both Producer and Consumer tasks, and numtasks
has the value of 1
on entry of the Consumer task.
Global Variables
In the previous examples, we look at local variables. In the following examples, let's consider global variables with pel statements. We start with a serial C program that contains three global variables:
/* VERSION 5 */
#define MAX 100
int Counter;
int Item;
int Version = 5;
main () {
int store[MAX];
/* Producer first */
Counter = MAX;
while ( --Counter ) {
Item = Produce ();
store[Counter] = Item;
REPORT ("Producing");
/* Consumer next */
Counter = MAX;
while ( --Counter ) {
Item = store[Counter];
REPORT ("Consuming");
function REPORT (action) {
printf ("Version [%d]: Action [%s], Counter [%d] Item [%d]\n", Version, action, Counter, Item);
The three global variables, Version
, Counter
and Item
, are used so that we don't need to pass them to the REPORT
function as arguments. (This may not be a good way to write a computer program, but we need something simplistic to discuss the complex issue of global variables.)
Now let's rewrite the Producer and Consumer code blocks to run in parallel:
#define MAX 100
int Version = 6;
int Counter = MAX;
int Item;
main () {
<mel buffer=counter/10> int store;
/* Producer task */
<!> while ( --Counter ) {
Item = Produce ();
<?>store = Item;
REPORT ("Producing");
/* Consumer task */
<!> while ( --Counter ) {
Item = <?>store;
REPORT ("Consuming");
function REPORT (action) {
printf ("Version [%d]: Action [%s], Counter [%d] Item [%d]\n", Version, action, Counter, Item);
Like local variables, the global variables are automatically made available in the pelled tasks. The above example contains 3 sets of Version
, Counter
and Item
The first set is in the main
task, the second in the Producer task, and the third in the Consumer task. Each set is independent to each other, and is used for localized global access within a task only.
In NERWous C, a global variable is different from a memory element (mel) variable. A global variable is globally accessible in the compile-time scope, while a mel variable is globally accessible in the run-time scope. A compile-time scope means that a global variable can be accessed anywhere in the program: it is declared once and any block of code or function can refer to it with the help of the language compiler. A run-time scope means that a mel variable can be shared by different tasks that are forked (or in NERWous C parlance, pelled) during the running of the program. The shared access is provided by the CHAOS runtime environment. In the example above, the mel variable
is shared between the Producer task and the Consumer task. Note that store
is declared as a local variable and not as a global variable for the compile-time scope.
This is how the NERWous C translator handles global variables at compile time:
- The translator collects the types and names of all global variables in the pelling task.
- When the translator first sees a variable in a pelled task and this variable is not a local variable, the translator automatically creates a global variable in the pelled task environment, using the type of the eponymous global variable collected from the pelling task.
- While the translator automatically re-creates global variables for pelled tasks, the translator does not automatically initialize them, unless the global variables are included in the
It can be hard to detect what global variables a pelled task will use, since global variables can appear in functions called deep in the execution thread starting from the first level of the pelled task. This differs from local variables where they only appear in the first level of a pelled code block -- which is easier to detect. Automatically initializing all global variables during run-time for any created pel task even if it never makes use of all of them, will likely impact the performance of a concurrent NERWous C program, especially when the tasks are distributed over a wide area network, and some global variables contain huge data.
The NERWous C translator will automatically create global variables in pelled tasks as they are needed, but initializes them only on demand, via the
or import-file
attribute. In the example above, neither of these attributes is used, resulting in the program being "buggy". For example, the global variable Counter
is re-created in the Producer and Consumer tasks, but neither of these copies are initialized. Thus the statement:
while ( --Counter ) {
will fail because Counter
is undefined.
The import feature allows the pelling task to send data to the pelled task to initialize global variables. There is no export feature for the pelled task to update back the global variables in the pelling task. For this, the global variables must be declared as mel variables.
Import Attribute
Let's fix the above "buggy" example by making use of the
attribute to the pel <!>
/* VERSION 7 */
#define MAX 100
int Version = 7;
int Counter = MAX;
int Item;
main () {
<mel buffer=counter/10> int store;
/* Producer task */
<! import="Version,Counter"> while ( --Counter ) {
Item = Produce ();
<?>store = Item;
REPORT ("Producing");
/* Consumer task */
<! import="Version,Counter"> while ( --Counter ) {
Item = <?>store;
REPORT ("Consuming");
function REPORT (action) {
printf ("Version [%d]: Action [%s], Counter [%d] Item [%d]\n", Version, action, Counter, Item);
The import
attribute to the pel construct <!>
instructs the NERWous C translator to generate behind-the-scene code to re-create the specified global variables (i.e. Version
and Counter
) in the pelled task, and to also initialize them with the current values of the same-named variables from the pelling task.
The global variable
is not in the import
list and is not created at the time of the pel statement. Only when the NERWous C translator encounters Item
the first time in the Producer code block (or Consumer code block), then it will create a global variable for Item
localized for the pelled task. That means that the Item
created for the Producer task is different from the one created for the Consumer task, and both of them different from the one declared in the main
task. The only sameness between these different global variables is the type (which is int
) that the NERWous C translator knows from parsing the whole program.
Global variables, like
, that are created on a needed basis, will not be initialized. The current values in the pelling task are not transferred to the pelled task. This is beneficial, not detrimental. In the example above, there is no need to transfer the value of Item
over from the pelling task, and have the pelled task overrides it with the result of Produce()
or the value of the mel store
. Via the import
attribute, the programmer can specify only the global variables whose values need to be transferred over.
What happens if the programmer forgets a global variable in the
list, such as in this code fragment:
<! import="Counter">
Since Version
is not import
ed, it is created uninitialized on a needed basis. On the above example, this will be when the function REPORT
is invoked. The printf
will display the indeterminate value of the uninitialized Version
, instead of the static value 7
from the main
and import-file
(to be introduced next) attributes support one-way transfer of data from the pelling task to the pelled task, Any changes that the pelled task does to its copy of the global variables stay with the pelled task and not copied back to the pelling task. If this update is desired, then the global variables should be declared as mel global variables whom read/write access is shared to multiple tasks, including the pelling task.
Import-File Attribute
attribute is fine when we have a few global variables to transfer over. When the list grows long, it becomes hard to maintain. In this case, it may be better to put this list into a separate file and use the import-file
attribute to the <!>
pel statement.
In this import file,
, we introduce the global variables to be import
ed with the C language extern
/* procon.h */
extern int Version;
extern int Counter;
Let's modify our example to use procon.h
/* VERSION 8 */
#define MAX 100
int Version = 8;
int Counter = MAX;
int Item;
main () {
<mel buffer=counter/10> int store;
/* Producer task */
<! import-file="procon.h"> while ( --Counter ) {
Item = Produce ();
<?>store = Item;
REPORT ("Producing");
/* Consumer task */
<! import-file="procon.h"> while ( --Counter ) {
Item = <?>store;
REPORT ("Consuming");
function REPORT (action) {
printf ("Version [%d]: Action [%s], Counter [%d] Item [%d]\n", Version, action, Counter, Item);
To find the location of procon.h
the NERWous C translator follows the same resolution rule used by the C preprocessor for handling:
#include "procon.h"
The same file inclusion works similarly when the pelled tasks are encapsulated as functions:
/* VERSION 9 */
#define MAX 100
int Version = 9;
int Counter = MAX;
int Item;
main () {
<mel buffer=counter/10> int store;
/* Producer task */
<! import-file="procon.h">
Producer (store);
/* Consumer task */
<! import-file="procon.h">
Consumer (store);
void Producer (mel int store) {
while ( --Counter ) {
Item = Produce ();
<?>store = Item;
REPORT ("Producing");
void Consumer (mel int store) {
while ( --Counter ) {
Item = <?>store;
REPORT ("Consuming");
function REPORT (action) {
printf ("Version [%d]: Action [%s], Counter [%d] Item [%d]\n", Version, action, Counter, Item);
For both the Producer
and Consumer
tasks, their localized version of the global variables Counter
and Version
are created and initialized with the values from the main
task right at the pel <!>
statement. However they are not put to use until the execution flows into the Producer
or Consumer
We can import multiple files with the
<! import-file="file1.h, file2.h">
We can mix the
attribute with the import
<! import-file="file1.h, file2.h" import="var1, var2">
The imported files usually contain groups of global variables that are commonly imported by many tasks, while the individual imported global variables are specific to a certain task.
Array Variables
The previous examples use simple data types for the global variables. Now let's explore the use of arrays as variables, either local or global. If the whole array is to be imported to the pelled task, then an array variable is behaving no differently than a simple-typed variable. What interesting is the
facility allowing the transfer of a subset of the array to a pelled task.
Let's modify the above example again:
/* VERSION 10 */
#define MAX 100
#define BUNCH 5
int Version = 10;
int Counter;
int Item;
main () {
int store[MAX];
/* Producer task - run in serial */
for (Counter=0; Counter<MAX; ++Counter) {
Item = Produce ();
store[Counter] = Item;
REPORT ("Producing");
/* Consumer task - run in parallel */
for (int i=0; i<MAX; i += BUNCH)
<! import="Version, store[i] ... store[i+BUNCH-1]"> {
for (Counter=i; Counter<i+BUNCH; ++Counter) {
Item = store[Counter];
Consume (Item);
REPORT ("Consuming");
function REPORT (action) {
printf ("Version [%d]: Action [%s], Counter [%d] Item [%d]\n", Version, action, Counter, Item);
First, the mel array store
is converted to a local array variable. The Producer then seeds this array with a seqential for
loop. Once the array is seeded, it will be consumed in parallel, in a BUNCH
items at a time. The main
task uses the LIST (...
) construct:
store[i] ... store[i+BUNCH-1]
to pass BUNCH
items for the pelling task to use.
Note the use of the local variable
in these three consecutive lines:
for (int i=0; i<MAX; i += BUNCH)
<! import="Version, store[i] ... store[i+BUNCH-1]"> {
for (Counter=i; Counter<i+BUNCH; ++Counter) {
The i
variables appearing in the outer for
statement and the import
attribute are the same, and reside in the main
task. On the other hand, the i
used in the for
loop belongs to the corresponding pelled task, and each pelled task has its own local version of i
. Although they reside in different tasks than the main
task, they get initialized with the value of the i
variable of the main
task at the time of the task creation.
We "cheat" a little bit in the previous example by making
divisible to BUNCH
so that we don't have to worry the last iteration not having all BUNCH
number of store
elements. Let's update the pelling code to handle this boundary condition:
/* Consumer task - run in parallel */
for (int i=0; i<MAX; i += BUNCH) {
int upperbound = i+BUNCH-1;
if ( upperbound >= MAX ) upperbound = MAX-1;
<! import="Version, store[i ... upperbound]"> {
for (Counter=i; Counter<=upperbound; ++Counter) {
Item = store[Counter];
Consume (Item);
REPORT ("Consuming");
Like the i
variable, upperbound
is also a local variable. This allows it to be automatically duplicated to the pelled task and be used there without much ado.
Mel Variable Properties
The properties of a mel variable are information about that mel variable that are cached locally in the requesting task so that they don't have to be constantly retrieved from the remote mel location. The mel properties of a mel variable have the same compile-time local or global scope as of that mel variable:
<mel> int store1;
main () {
<mel> int store2;
printf ("In [main], store1 buffer is [%d]", store1<buffersize>);
printf ("In [main], store2 buffer is [%d]", store2<buffersize>);
<!> {
printf ("In pelled task, store1 buffer is [%d]", store1<buffersize>);
printf ("In pelled task, store2 buffer is [%d]", store2<buffersize>);
The store2
variable is declared as a local variable, and so are its properties. The properties of store2
are therefore automatically transferred from the main
task to the pelled task. The printf
statemetns for store2
will show the same buffer size.
Interestingly, both
statements for store1
also show the same buffer size, even though store1
is a global variable. Its properties are thus also global, and we have been said that global variables are not initialized automatically in the pelled task. What was said is correct for regular variables, but not true for mel properties.
When the
is created in the statement:
<mel> int store1;
its properties are initialized with the current information of the newly created mel entity. The NERWous C translator, during compile time, sees that the main
task makes use of the store1
variable, and so it adds an implicit import operation of store1
into main
. This import is executed at run-time when main
is created.
pels the inline task, the properties cache that main
currently maintains for both store1
and store2
will be passed to the inline task. Let's expand the above example:
<mel> int store1;
main () {
<mel> int store2;
printf ("In [main], store1 buffer is [%d]", store1<buffersize>);
printf ("In [main], store2 buffer is [%d]", store2<buffersize>);
<rebuffer buffer+10> store1;
<rebuffer buffer+10> store2;
<!> {
printf ("In pelled task, store1 buffer is [%d]", store1<buffersize>);
printf ("In pelled task, store2 buffer is [%d]", store2<buffersize>);
The printf
statements now show different values. While those from main
show the original buffer sizes of the mel variables, the ones from the pelled task show the buffer sizes as having been incremented by 10 due to the rebuffer
operations. These values are what main
have in the properties caches when it pels the inline task.
The reason for mel properties to be treated the same for both local and global scopes with automatic initialization is that the information on how to access the remote mel must be passed to the tasks so that they can do mel operations such as reads and writes. The rest of the properties thus piggy-backs on that. If programmers have to explicitly specify the
attribute for global mel variables every time they make use of the pel <!> statement, a NERWous C program would become unwieldy.
How about performance? Unlike regular variables which contain data, mel properties only contain metadata (i.e. the properties). The real data of a mel is stored centrally in the cel that hosts that mel. The local properties cache of each mel variable is quite manageable, and can be transferred to a pelled task without undue impact on performance.
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