
Friday, March 4, 2016

Mel in NERWous C

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The memory element (or mel) abstracts the shared information concept of the NERW Concurrency Model. When an execution task runs, it produces or consumes data (or does both). In a concurrent environment, this data is shared with other execution tasks.

The following sections describe how NERWous C handles the sharing of data:
  1. Mel Basic:
    1. A Serial Program
    2. A Concurrent Program
    3. Mel Elements
    4. Mel Variables
    5. Mel Creation
    6. Mel Passing
    7. Mel Scope
    8. Mel Life
    9. Mel Queues
    10. Mel Operations
    11. Mel Properties
  2. Mel Properties:
    1. Mel Properties Cache
    2. Mel Properties Categories
    3. Mel Properties Constants
    4. Mel ID Property
    5. Mel URL Property
    6. Mel Value Property
    7. Mel Value Auto Operators
    8. Mel Status Property
    9. Mel Condition Property
    10. Mel Name Property
  3. Mel Operations:
    1. Mel Operations List
    2. Mel Creation Operation
    3. Mel Passing Operation
    4. Mel Operations Error Codes
    5. Mel Operations Error Descriptions
    6. Mel Operations Exceptions
    7. Mel Snapshot Operation
  4. Mel Global Variables:
    1. Global Variable Scope
    2. Global Variable Usage
    3. Global Variable Creation
    4. Global Variable Extern Statement
    5. Global Variable Closure
  5. Mel Buffers:
    1. Mel with a Buffer
    2. Mel Buffer States
    3. Mel Buffer Access Modes
    4. Mel Buffer Property
    5. Mel Rebuffer Operation
  6. Mel Closures:
    1. Closing A Mel
    2. Multiple Mel Closures
    3. Closing At Task End
  7. Mel Timeouts:
    1. Mel Waits with Timeouts
    2. Run-Time Timeouts
    3. Mel Default Timeout
    4. Mel Timeout Settings
    5. Mel Timeout Special Values
    6. Mel Timeout Property
  8. Mel Reads:
    1. Mel Read Attributes
    2. Mel Reader Mode
    3. Mel Read Waits
    4. Mel Properties On Reads
    5. Agent Mel Property
    6. Mel Asynchronous Reads
  9. Mel Combined Reads:
    1. Mel Multiple Reads
    2. Mel OR Reads
    3. OR Read Exceptions
    4. Asynchronous Mel OR Reads
    5. Mel AND Reads
    6. Cumulative AND Reads
    7. Simultaneous AND Reads
    8. Asynchronous Mel AND Reads
  10. Mel Writes:
    1. Mel Writer Mode
    2. Mel Write Waits
    3. Mel OR Writes
    4. Mel AND Writes
    5. Mel LIST Writes
    6. Mel Writeover Mode
  11. Mel Priorities:
    1. Mel Access Priority
    2. Mel Priority Queues
    3. Mel Default Priority
    4. Mel Priority Settings
    5. Mel Priority Property
  12. Mel Resumptions:
    1. Resume Operation
    2. Resume With Attribute
    3. Resume In Exceptions
    4. Resume, Break and Continue
    5. Resume In Exclusive Zones
  13. Mel Subscriptions:
    1. Writers Subscriptions
    2. Quit vs. Close
    3. Readers Subscriptions
    4. Dual Subscriptions
    5. Quit Attributes
  14. Mel Readonly Access:
    1. Readonly Statement
    2. Readonly Abbreviation
    3. Readonly Queue
    4. Sequence Property
    5. Readonly On Read
    6. Readonly Mels
    7. Readonly Access To Exclusive Zones
  15. Mel Reader Zones:
    1. Reader Zones
    2. Checkout Operation
    3. Eponymous Variables
    4. Reader Zone Attributes
    5. Reader Zone Resumptions
  16. Compound Reader Zones:
    1. Reader OR Zones
    2. Reader LIST Zones
    3. Reader AND Zones
  17. Mel Writer Zones:
    1. Writer Zones
    2. Checkout Operation
    3. Writer OR Zones
    4. Writer LIST Zones
    5. Writer AND Zones
    6. Writer Zone Attributes
  18. Mel Mixed Zones:
    1. Mixed LIST Zones
    2. Checkout Operations
    3. Mixed AND Zones
    4. Mixed OR Zones
  19. Mel Arrays:
    1. Mel Arrays
    2. Mel Array Value Property
    3. Mel Array Closures
    4. Mel Array Status Property
    5. Mel Array Exceptions
    6. Mel Array Boundary Exceptions
    7. Mel Array Count Property
    8. Mel Array Boundary Behaviors
    9. Mel Array Consecutive Constructs
    10. Mel Array OR Wait Examples
    11. Mel Array AND Wait Examples
    12. Mel Array LIST Wait Examples
  20. Structured Mels:
    1. Mel Structures
    2. Mel Structure Buffers
    3. Mel Structures With Multiple Items
    4. Mel Structure Value Property
    5. Mel Structure Direct Itemized Access
    6. Mel Structures In Exclusive Zones
    7. Mel Structures Inside Local Structures
  21. Mel Locations:
    1. At Attribute
    2. At Values
    3. DOWN Exception

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